Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12th: The Day After or I'm Just Sayin'

 I decided to hold off a day to blog about what is now simply being called “9/11” and I decided to put this tome on hold because I am very riled up about something that I strongly feel is Mighty Magpie important.

September 11th is going to be counted in as one of the most frightening of any of America’s night terrors.   It ranks right up there with Pearl Harbor and in one way, its exactly like Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese did not have enough resources to bomb Pearl Harbor much less sustain a war in the Pacific so they did the most pragmatic thing possible and simply became a major buyer of of our scrap metal which they processed and turned into planes and bombs and tanks and (badly made) guns and bullets and…well you get the picture.  They dropped our waste right back on top of us.  Guess what the terrorist did on that day in case you forgot in your constant race to pile up the traffic to your virtual malls and collect that mighty money.  Those were our planes flown by terrorists into OUR towers, our pentagon and of course god knows where in Pennsylvania if it had not been for those heroes who thwarted the attack—God love them for what they gave up for us.

The fathers and mothers and the sons and daughters who died that day fighting like patriots: what it must have been worth.

You see, we are a greedy lot—we are capitalist and in the Star Trek Universe we would be the Ferengi. That is American Business.  It’s natural in a sick way and make NO mistake business is a sick business.

So I am at the forums in Inworldz and I am reading a thread about this horrific day and pondering its meaning and silently offering my prayers because the thread itself was well meaning and the responses were oh so beautiful. 

Then I stopped.   Dead in my tracks.

I have memorial poseballs for free over at……… know, you could have just sent them for free as attachments or better yet placed them at IDI but no—you wanted that traffic to your mall.

Shame on you.

Well I decided to ignore it—I see this all the time—no one can have a normal conversation without someone putting in a plug for their product—hell I have done it myself and I am sure you, dear reader, have also done the same.

Well, with this in mind—I decided to ignore the post although it really was rubbing salt into my eyes to do such a thing. 

This morning someone told me about the commenrative 9/11 Neko outfit.

Jean Claude Van Itallie was absolutely right when he writes in “War” and I am paraphrasing:  “We are always selling selling selling selling!!!”

You know, sticking your kid in a car commercial to hawk vehicles is a lot nobler then hawking products in memory of 3500 dead.

I’m just sayin’…..

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