Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moammar Gadhafi is Dead

I am not jumping up and down in the streets firing my plastic faux sub machine gun in celebration of the death of this man.  I am deeply sad for the Libyan people.  They had in their hands the man who could answer all of their questions about lost lives, lost friends and, apparently, lost shoulder held weapons.

He will never go to trial to answer for crimes against humanity and he died violently, almost heroically, at the hands of his enemies and that point worries me most.  He will be buried in an unmarked grave.  His grave’s location is to be undisclosed.

I worry about the hard times that are to come for the Libyan people.  They have to organize their government and accept help from morally disinterested but greedy partners who will want to help them rebuild into some sort of democracy.  Our first priority to these people should be to heal the sick and to feed the starving.  Let’s let the new Libyan government, just this once, benefit from our lack of advice.

The world should worry about the defiant folk hero who may arise from his grave in hard times.   Ghadaffi died violently and his burial location will be undisclosed and that means that stories will abound about his whereabouts, rumors will spread that he is not really dead but is leading the good fight to restore a less oppressive regime. Does it sound ridiculous?  It shouldn’t because nondisclosure is the foundation of modern myth.

So tonight I will mourn for the dead of this regime and give thanks to God that this man’s reign is over and offer additional prayer that this country to the shores of Tripoli understand that history need not repeat itself if we just take the time to stop and learn.

I’m just sayin’

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