Monday, October 31, 2011

The Day the Birth Stood Still

So, tell me. What is the difference between a Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Allegation and The Obama Birther issue? Why nothing of course unless you are either a Republican or a Democrat or the News Media who want ,we the people, to believe two too many points of view.

The Glorious GOPstoppers have been harping on the birther issue for some time and even though many are now saying that the entire mess is a distraction and that some candidates should just back off and cool down a bit, the subject just magically seems to keep popping up again and again and again. We, the people, can’t seem to get enough of this kind of political flavor so our eyes dance with delight when the media starts planting unfounded little seedlings of information in our under-founded scope of understanding of what we are told to hear.

Well Herman; these annoying one shot sling shots are just part of the public tic tac toe that we like to call politics. These verbal snips and snaps are the words of words of words echoed long ago and again and again and now signify nothing but pointless inuendo –just like the birther allegations. These unfounded rumors sicken me and they make your donkeys and your elephants look like they are desperately grasping for straws.

I think Donald Trump had it unintentionally right when commenting on Fox this morning when he declared (Trump never says, he just declares a lot) that Cain should have just said to the salivating news wolf that it was cheaper for him to just pay off these ladies so that it would not hurt his business. That tactic is called damage control. Cain needs a lot of damage control lately.

I don’t like your politics Mr. Cain, and I don’t believe for one instant that you represent the American people or even that you like us. I think you are qualified to run a business but are not qualified to push a button that could signal the end of this planet. Godfather’s Pizza and Dr. Strangelove are two different points of view and speaking of Dr. Strangelove, I see you more as Slim Pickens, waving that cowboy hat of his wildly in the air as he pony rides an atom bomb to his death. You don’t know the names of your foreign friends and enemies. How can you make deals that affect the geopolitical landscape without knowing with whom you are dealing?

Those are my real concerns about you, Mr. Cain. I actually like you. You are funny. I don’t want you running this country. America is no joke.

As for the sexual harassment allegations against Mr. Cain, I am going to direct this comment at the American Media: I don’t care. The whole affair of gossip spreading is none of my business and I don’t like this kind of sophomoric muckraking being scared up by you, the media, to try and sway my thinking. This sheep is shearing itself of your deceptive ways. Start reporting and quit speculating. Your implications only make me wonder about your credibility as journalists.

And speaking of credibility, let’s talk about the birther movement. A sheriff in Arizona has assembled a “cold case team” or “Posse”, as he likes to put it of ex police and retired lawyers and such to get to the bottom of this birthing issue at the behest of the Tea Party, those chimpions of truth, justice and the American Way-Out-there-ness.

And in my best Fat Albert, HEY HEY HEY, the mother of the birther movment was a keynote speaker at the soiree that launched the “investigation”. Her name is Orly Taitz, she is a dentist, lawyer and real estate agent, she speaks five languages and emigrated from Russia to Israel and then on the US. Not being a natural born citizen, she has taken on the task of pointing out her belief that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen as well and, like President George Bush (remember that silliness?), is not a legitimate president. Now, to be fair to Ms Taitz, that is one smart lady.

She also has claimed:

1. Homosexuals in Obama’s former church may have died mysteriously (Source)
2. Osama bin Laden was killed years ago but was kept on ice so his announcement could be timed to draw attention away from her court case challenging Obama's citizenship. (source)
3. Hugo Chavez controls the software that runs American voting machines (Source)
4. Fema is building interment camps for Obama dissidents (Source)
5. Barack Obama has used a stolen social security number (Source)

So the moral of this tale of two tales is that the media is playing games with us and that the Media is not just news sources, it’s everyone who has ever felt the urge to field a pen or clack a keyboard.. Don’t believe everything you see and do your own research and make up your own minds. Present a researched point of view. Asking your own questions is an easy thing to do.

It’s time for Americans to start being Americans.

I’m just saying…

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